MACURA | Unikalna wiedza ekspercka

Kancelaria MACURA.
ul. Odyńca 7/13
02-606 Warszawa

T: (+48) 696-011-713
M: monika.macura@kancelariamacura.pl

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Cookie policy

Cookie policy

The owner and operator of the https://www.kancelariamacura.pl/ website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) and the administrator of personal data collected during the use of the Website’s services is Monika Macura (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrator”), providing legal services under the name Monika Macura Law Firm 7/13 Odyńca Street, 02-606 Warsaw, NIP 5482419495.

This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Privacy Policy. Cookies are small text files located in your browser folder. When you use a website, these files transmit certain information to your browser. Due to the fact that these files are very useful for website publishers, they are very popular and often used. Thanks to such files, the Website manager is able to determine, for example, whether a particular computer (and its user) has visited the Website before, or whether this is its first visit. Cookies are therefore used to improve the performance of a website and make it more user-friendly, while they can also be used for advertising purposes.

The Administrator uses cookies and places them on the devices of Service Users in order to facilitate navigation of Users and correct operation of the Service, as well as for analytical and advertising purposes.

The User may at any time disable the storage of “cookies” using the browser settings on his/her computer or mobile device. Disabling “cookies” does not make it impossible to use the Website, but it may cause some difficulties in this regard, and in some cases even make it impossible to use certain services provided on the Website.

1. Types of cookies

    The website uses two types of cookies:

    • Session – remain on the user’s device until they leave the website or switch off the web browser;
    • Permanent – they remain on the user’s device for a certain period of time or until they are manually removed by the user.

    Using cookie technology, only anonymous statistical data about users is collected for the purpose of improving the user experience and minimizing the annoyance of advertisements. The service provider does not collect any data that identifies Users as individuals or customers.

    2. Purpose of using cookies

      The service uses cookies for the following purposes:

      • To ensure the proper functioning of the service (Necessary),
      • Performing certain functions, such as sharing site content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party functions (Functional).
      • Analysis of how the site is used (Analytics),
      • To provide users with personalized ads based on the pages they have previously visited, and to analyze the effectiveness of the advertising campaign (Advertising),
      • Understand and analyze site KPIs to help provide a better user experience for visitors (Performance).

      1. Necessary cookies

        Necessary cookies are used to ensure proper functioning of the site and optimization of websites for the devices and browsers most often used by visitors to these sites – so that the computer or mobile device displays them correctly and clearly. These files are also used to remember whether a given user has given specific consent (e.g. for showing selected content) or not. Blocking the above-mentioned cookies, therefore, may prevent or significantly hinder access to certain functionalities and areas of the site.

        List of essential cookies used:

        Cookie namePurpose and contentCookie retention period
        wpEmojiSettingsSupportsHelps to determine whether a user’s browser can properly display emoji.session  
        cookieyes-consentIt remembers users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site.1 year
        _GRECAPTCHAIdentifies bots to protect the site from malicious spam attacks.6 months
        rc::bIdentifies bots to protect the site from malicious spam attacks.session
        rc::fIdentifies bots to protect the site from malicious spam attacks.permanent
        rc::aA file used to distinguish humans from bots.permanent
        rc::cA file used to distinguish humans from bots.session

        2. Functional cookies

        Functional cookies help perform certain functions, such as sharing site content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party functions.

        List of functional cookies used:

        Cookie namePurpose and contentCookie retention period
        li_gcStores visitor’s consents to use cookies for non-essential purposes.6 months  
        lidcMaking data center selection easier1 day

        3. Analytical cookies

          Analytical cookies are used to create aggregate statistics and analysis to help understand how the Site is used – this allows us to continually improve the structure and content of the sites in order to meet the needs of current and potential Users. They allow us to understand how users interact with the Site. These cookies help to provide information on metrics of the number of visitors, rejection rate, source of traffic, etc. For more on Google Analytics code and Google’s cookies, see Google Analytics Security and Privacy Policy. Analytics cookies are not necessary for the use of the site. It is also possible to withdraw consent to the use of cookies used for analytical purposes at any time.

          List of analytical cookies used:

          Cookie namePurpose and contentCookie retention period
          _gaRegisters a unique identifier that is used to collect statistical data about how a visitor uses the website.1 year 1 month 4 days  
          gaVisitorUuidUsed by Google Analytics Getresponse to statistically track user online behavior.1 year
          _ga_*Google Analytics sets this cookie to collect and calculate page views.1 year 1 month 4 days

          4. Advertising cookies

            Advertising cookies are used to deliver personalized ads to users based on the pages they have previously visited, and to analyze the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

            List of advertising cookies used:

            Cookie namePurpose and contentCookie retention period
            gaDomain-*Establishes this cookie to provide personalized advertising.1 minute  
            bcookieLinkedIn places this cookie with LinkedIn share buttons and advertising tags to recognize browser IDs1 year

            5. Performance

            Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the site’s key performance indicators to help provide a better user experience for visitors.

            No cookies to display.

            3. Links to other sites

              If the Website contains links to other websites. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies of those sites. We urge you, when you go to other sites, to review the privacy policy established there. This privacy policy applies only to the Website.

              4. Consent

                Consent to data collection through cookies may be revoked by the User at any time, in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (RODO).

                5. Changes to cookies yourself

                  It is the intention of Macura Law Firm to make our use of cookies and other technologies as transparent as possible to Service Users. We want to provide you with the best possible product – in this case, the https://www.kancelariamacura.pl/ website. We can do this through third-party cookies, as described hereinabove.

                  Some browsers allow you to choose how your browser responds to requests from third parties to send a cookie to your device. To restrict your browser from sending cookies, please refer to the following sites for information on how to avoid the placement of cookies: Firefox; Internet Explorer; Google Chrome; Bing; and Safari.

                  Macura Law Firm reserves the right to make changes to all or part of this Policy. Any changes to the Policy will be made with immediate effect, upon posting of the revised Policy on https://www.kancelariamacura.pl/.