MACURA | Unikalna wiedza ekspercka

Kancelaria MACURA.
ul. Odyńca 7/13
02-606 Warszawa

T: (+48) 696-011-713
M: monika.macura@kancelariamacura.pl

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We are

About us

We are a specialized law firm, advising entities in the FinTech and new technology sectors.

Since 2012, we have been advising entities in the financial (FinTech), e-commerce, new technology and lending (LendTech) sectors. We offer comprehensive support at all stages of setting up and running a business.

We assist companies at the stage of business creation – during the development of the necessary corporate documentation and the formation of companies, as well as the preparation of applications for the issuance of relevant permits by financial market regulatory institutions. We advise companies in day-to-day operations – drafting the necessary bylaws, internal documentation and contracts with clients-consumers (individuals). We also represent clients in relations with administrative authorities and in the course of ongoing regulatory and investigative proceedings. We organize and conduct dedicated training courses on selected issues for all employees and associates.

We advise companies in the loan sector offering consumer credit services in Poland and foreign markets. The scope of our advice includes, among other things: legal advice on the creation of credit products (short-term loans, installment loan agreements, bundled loan agreements), and providing ongoing legal advice on the activities of lending institutions.We also advise on the introduction of innovative solutions, such as behavioral data analysis and behavioral targeting in the assessment of creditworthiness, and identity verification using behavioral data. We advise on the development of internal procedures for lending institutions in the areas of customer verification, servicing, debt collection, and complaint processes.
For companies in the payment services industry, we develop documentation and internal regulations.We advise payment card issuers, companies offering online and mobile payments, and providers of payment account information services.

In addition, we advise companies in various industries and sectors on data protection and intellectual property law.

Our team is made up of experienced lawyers who are committed to their work, as well as staff who support the daily operation of the office.

We work closely with the Polish Association of Loan Institutions (www.pzip.pl), which promotes the highest business and ethical standards in the operation of the consumer electronic microloan market and actively participates in the work of this organization.

Awards and honors


What’s new

Our Experts at the 15th FinTech & InsurTech Digital Congress. We are a partner of the event.
Our Experts at the 15th FinTech & InsurTech Digital Congress. We are a partner of the event.

On 14 June, our experts Michał Barwicki and Jerzy Karney will take part in a debate on EMT tokens in Poland during the 15th FinTech & InsurTech Digital Congress in Warsaw. The law firm is a partner of the event. You are welcome!

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XI Digital Money & Blockchain Forum with lecture by Monika Macura
XI Digital Money & Blockchain Forum with lecture by Monika Macura

On 5-6 June this year, we invite you to the Digital Money & Blockchain Forum with expert speaker Monika Macura. The keynote of the 11th edition of this event is ‘Digital assets, tokens and money – a new deal. The conference takes place in Warsaw at Lazarski University. Monika Macura‘s lecture is scheduled for the first […]

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