MACURA | Unikalna wiedza ekspercka

Kancelaria MACURA.
ul. Odyńca 7/13
02-606 Warszawa

T: (+48) 696-011-713
M: monika.macura@kancelariamacura.pl

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Website’s terms and conditions

Buying insurance online can raise many questions for the consumer. Is my data adequately protected? Is the website secure? What if there is a data leak? Cookies – what are they?

When creating the GDPR documentation and the documentation for the website for our client, an insurance agent, we tried to prevent the above doubts from arising on the part of those using its services.

Our comprehensive consultancy focused on the creation of the website regulations, which are necessary due to the requirements of the Electronic Services Act. We also developed a cookie policy, written in language that is understandable to the consumer, and which meets the requirements of the Telecommunications Act, as well as complying with the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

As part of the services provided, we carry out periodic audits of the website and the content contained therein for compliance with changing legislation.

We then pay attention to:

  • the placement and content of consents collected by the client, including marketing consents;
  • the collection of personal data from customer-consumers while respecting their rights;
  • the positioning of documentation on the website and the ability for potential end customers to access it.

We also implemented GDPR compliant procedures at our client, including:

  • Personal data security policy, information clause for customers and employees;
  • Data retention policy;
  • Breach notification procedure and others.

We recommended that the client maintain a breach register and a register for handling the rights of individuals, while conducting training sessions for employees to provide them with a scheme of action in the event of a personal data protection breach, such as a data leak. During the training sessions, the course of action to be taken by an employee in the event of a request by the client regarding his/her personal data, such as a request to delete personal data from the system, was also explained.

We also took part in providing opinions on contracts and legal advice when the insurance agent was concluding contracts with insurance companies, taking care of the interests of the insurance agent and the due protection of personal data of potential clients by both parties to the relationship.

We supported our client in educating its employees by providing numerous training sessions on data protection and answering employees’ questions in a Q&A conducted.

See also:

Comprehensive training on data protection and RODO

For one of the leading companies in the LendTech sector, we organised and conducted a comprehensive training course…

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Veryfication and updating of all regulations on personal data processing

For one of our clients – Creditstar Polska, a leading lending institution we carried out a project involving…

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