MACURA | Unikalna wiedza ekspercka

Kancelaria MACURA.
ul. Odyńca 7/13
02-606 Warszawa

T: (+48) 696-011-713
M: monika.macura@kancelariamacura.pl

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Documentation to work with lending institution

For one of our partners providing creditworthiness assessment services and scoring models for financial institutions, we prepared the documentation necessary to sart cooperation with lending institutions.

We started our consultancy by analysing the business intent and determining the scope of data used by the company to perform creditworthiness assessments, as well as the analytical methods used for this purpose. In the latter case, we took into account whether personal data is processed automatically and whether the systems used by the company use machine learning or artificial intelligence algorithms.

Our knowledge of the technical aspects of our clients’ work allows us to carefully analyse the regulations governing the processing of such data and to develop documentation.

Our cooperation included the preparation of internal documentation defining the principles of personal data processing This was our next project to implement the principles of GDPR in the client’s organisation.

The element distinguishing this project from other projects was the analysis of whether elements of the so-called artificial intelligence are used in the scoring model. Establishing this is important in light of the upcoming regulations in the area of artificial intelligence.

This analysis allowed us to determine whether the company is subject to planned EU regulations.

Additionally, in the advisory process, we drafted consents for the client for the cross-sector use of clients’ personal data.

The draft consents for the processing of personal data were in line with our client’s business intentions.

See also:

Performing compliance functions in areas of the company’s operations, including in the areas of personal data protection and anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism (AML)

We provide ongoing legal services to our client who provides consumer credit as a lending institution. The legal services include performing compliance functions in areas of the company’s operations, including legal advice on personal data protection and anti-money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Ongoing legal services of an international lending institution

We began our cooperation with the client with establishing a limited liability company in accordance with the regulatory requirements for operating as a lending institution and obtaining registration in the register of lending institutions.

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